Goodbye Dad
Dad, how does one say farewell not knowing you decided to leave us slightly earlier than anyone expected?
One night after your passing , you left a feather in the room you always slept..
A feather for remembrance
A feather for love
A feather for farewell
You shared human imperfection with us all
And because no single one is perfect, we learn to forgive
Because life is too short
Too short for things that are not important
Too short for fighting
Too short for crap that does not matter
You had difficulty in showing affection the traditional way
And could be really hardheaded if you had a difficult day
But still
With your small gestures and even just the way you greeted
You made known that you cared
Through our sometimes uncalled for naivity in the goodness of all
We were misled by some
But also received countless blessings from others
What a privilege
What a privilege to have known you
What a privilege to have sight of your never ending perseverance
Even in dark times
Thank you for those lessons
Your empathy was palpable
You cared deeply for those you believed sincere
And continued to do so in spite of those who misled you
For that we honour you
We still remember your stories
How you loved chatting
How proud you were of your grandchildren
And how you always stuck with just one whisky
What a blessing it was to have cared for you in the last two months of your life
To give you some dignity
And humanity
A man in your own right you were
Soared to great heights as a young man
Changing direction ever so often
And living your passion of doing business as you would always say;
Doing business so that you stayed/became friends with those you did
You made an impression; boring you were not
Your employees amazed at your knowledge
You family in silent awe of your Stoic nature
Right up to the end you made your plans
But God decided otherwise
May your soul rest in peace
And dad, please allow yourself the time to listen to your favorite Beethoven
Go fly with your Cessna182 again
Filled with the smell of Avgas that made me so queezy as a young boy
Let’s seek the gap in the clouds again
So that you can land safely when it becomes too overcast
Have a Cappuchino with your loved ones and hero’s with whom you are now
Enjoy them
Talk with them
Because now you have time
Time is precious which we must appreciate
Your time is no longer measured
Your time does not have a watch
Your time is no longer ours to share
We will always miss you
Memories will slowly fade in a distant haze of single thoughts
But we will always love you
Until we meet again…….